Our Mandates

V-Europe, as an officially recognized association for victims of terrorism, has developed comprehensive expertise through practical experience. This expertise enables V-Europe to provide effective support to victims, advocate on their behalf, deliver professional training, and shape public policy initiatives in favor of those impacted by acts of terrorism. 

For more information about V-Europe's mandates, you can visit their new website for professionals at v-europe.eu. The website will provide detailed information about our work, initiatives, and the support they offer to victims of terrorism.

Belgian Federal Ministry of Justice

V-Europe is recognized by royal decree as an association authorized to represent terrorism victims before the financial assistance commission. Additionally, the Ministry of Justice funds a terrorism victim support program known as the coordinators program.

Fédération Bruxelles et Wallonie

V-Europe is recognized by royal decree as an association authorized to represent terrorism victims before the financial assistance commission. Additionally, the Ministry of Justice funds a terrorism victim support program known as the coordinators program.

EC Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs

V-Europe, a member of the European Union Centre of Victims of Terrorism (EUCVT), supports victims within the EU by providing assistance, guidance, and advocacy. It collaborates with authorities to ensure victims receive proper support and recognition. The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), an initiative by the European Commission, gathers practitioners to share best practices in preventing and countering violent extremism. Philippe Vansteenkiste, Director of V-Europe, co-leads the RAN working group on victims and survivors of terrorism, emphasizing the critical role of victim advocacy in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE) efforts.

EC Directorate-General for Justice

V-Europe is a member of the European Union Centre of Victims of Terrorism (EUCVT). This centre supports victims of terrorism within the EU by offering assistance, guidance, and advocacy. It collaborates with authorities to ensure victims receive proper support and recognition, aiming to promote their rights and well-being.

United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism

The collaboration between V-Europe and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) focuses on enhancing global counter-terrorism efforts by ensuring compliance with human rights and the rule of law. This partnership facilitates the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices, emphasizes safeguarding the rights of victims of terrorism. V-Europe and UNOCT work together to build resilient societies and create more effective counter-terrorism responses.

United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime

The collaboration between V-Europe and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT) focuses on enhancing global counter-terrorism efforts by ensuring compliance with human rights and the rule of law. This partnership facilitates the exchange of innovative ideas and best practices, emphasizes safeguarding the rights of victims of terrorism. V-Europe and UNOCT work together to build resilient societies and create more effective counter-terrorism responses.

International Federation of Associations of Victims of Terrorism (IFAVT)

Philippe Vansteenkiste, Director of V-Europe is secretary of the The International Federation of Associations of Victims of Terrorism (IFAVT). The organisation aims to unite efforts and represent the interests of victims of terrorism on a global scale. The mission is to advocate for the rights of victims, provide support and assistance, and ensure their voices are heard in the fight against terrorism.